Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aunt Malori Reviews Uncle Orson's Reviews

Orson Scott Card is my favorite author. I really enjoy his books, short stories and especially his essays. My favorites are his essays in the Mormon Times (which I have read all of, and wish that he would be faster and writing) and his "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" essays. I haven't started the "Ornery American" essays yet, but you can bet I soon will!!

Now when Orson Scott Card says that he reviews everything he truly means everything! From books to movies to TV shows to post-its to turtles to restaurants to stores to spaghetti sauce to soap to toilet paper in hotels - he covers it all!!

I just really love reading about how he wanted to buy turtles for his back yard but learned that in his home state it is illegal to buy them, how he thought he was going to get around this problem, and how, in the end, he learned that his state had the right idea because raising turtles is a pain!!

The more I read this essays and articles the more I am inspired.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not, nor would I ever claim to be as talented as Mr. Card. He is completely brilliant!! But he has motivated me to create my own version which I am going to call - Malori Jo Reviews All Sorts Of Stuff!

This is going to be my own little pet project and you are welcome to take it or leave it - but I hope you will take it, because I am sure going to have fun with it!!!

Nothing will be off limits - no thoughts will be held back - I am going to tell it like it is - just the facts......or at least the facts according to me.

So, stay tuned for some crazy posts mixed in with the normal "this is what we are up to" stuff that will still be around. This is going to be an adventure!!

PS - To read "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" simply go to and to read his Mormon Times articles (which are fantastic) go to
and simply click on his picture. They are well worth the time!

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Oh, I love creative people, and you are one of them! I can't wait to read your reviews! By the way, your review of our play cracked me up!