Monday, March 18, 2013

Aven is 5 weeks old and a little photo shoot!

My little Aven is already 5 weeks old! I can't believe it! It seems like we just brought her home from the hospital! Now she is 8 pounds 9 ounces and a whole 22 inches long! I am really happy that she is growing because she was having a hard time eating at first, so it is a big relief for me. I just grow more and more in love with this beautiful girl every day! Here are a few fun things about her: ***Aven still has a ton of dark hair, especially in the back! It is even long enough that it hangs over her ears - and I love it! I wanted her to have hair so badly! ***She loves to stretch. It is so cute to watch when she throws her arms over her head, her hands in little fists, and she arches her back. Her face gets all scrunched up and she pulls her legs up to her chest. She does it all day and it is the best! ***She sleeps with her arms up over her head, or, if you are holding her, she sleeps with one hand tucked under her chin like she is posing for a picture! ***She has been able to roll onto her side since she was born, but she is much stronger about it now, and she has even, accidentally rolled all the way over a couple of times. ***At first she hated getting a bath, but now she loves it! We wash her down and then sometimes we let her sit in there for a few more minutes just because she smiles and acts so happy in the warm water! ***She sleeps with her eyes open. You will notice it in the pictures below. ***She loves looking in the mirror. We got her a play mat, and it has a few hanging toys for her to look at, and it has one mirror toy - she doesn't like the other toys that much yet, but she sure loves looking at that mirror! So we got a mirror to hang on the back seat of the car so I can see her from the driver's seat, and it does double duty because it makes her so happy to look at herself while we drive! ***Aven loves to listen to music - especially the Disney music channel on Pandora. We play that and I move her arms and legs around like she is dancing and she just smiles the whole time! ***She also loves it when we sing primary songs together. ***She is starting to figure out her voice. She's makes noises that sound almost like she is starting to cry, but she is happy as can be. She does it when she is playing with her toys, or when we turn on the music. ***She is doing a lot better about eating! She had a hard time at first - we had to stay an extra day in the hospital because she wouldn't eat, and then it was a fight for a long time. Then she would eat just fine on the right side, but wouldn't eat at all on the left, so I had to pump. Now she eats on both sides just fine. I just have to figure out how to feed her modestly now. The whole "under a blanket" thing is still a little rough....but I am figuring it out. ***We just recently got a swing from my Aunt Shakira and she loves it!! This is great for me because now I can set her in it to make dinner or clean up a little bit (or blog...) and I can see her and she is content. ***We still can't decide what color her eyes are going to be. Sometimes they look completely brown with no traces of blue at all, and sometimes they look blue with no traces of brown! Since I have brown eyes and Jon has blue eyes, it could go either way.... ***Did I mention her dimple in my last post? Well, she has the sweetest dimple! Of course I kiss it only a million times a day! Well, I could probably go on and on and on about all of the adorable little things that she does, but I will leave it at that for now. I just can't express how much I love this sweet little girl! She is the center of our entire lives and I wouldn't have it any other way!!! Here are some pictures of her! We did a little amateur photo shoot and my sister took the pictures! I think they turned out great! Jon is going to photoshop the backgrounds so it doesn't look like we did them in our dining room, but I couldn't wait until he was finished to share them - and some of the pictures are just some snapshots that I am in love with!! Well, she woke up from her nap so I better wrap this up!!!


Brenden+Nikki said...

So so SO sweet! Just that first pic alone gave me that "grrrrr" urge I get when I just want to bite them because of cuteness. Lol. It's the nose that does it me. Her cute little nose...and her cute little dimple....and her hair! Oh her hair! You'll be able to put that in a pony in no time! ;). I think that is the most hair out of all 8 other Saline babies combined at birth!! And then some! ;) I also love how bitty babies look when their daddies hold them. Can't wait to show this to Collin and Elle when they wake up from nap. They will be thrilled! We sure love this sweet little girl of yours!

Miken Harding said...

I could not be happier for two 3 of you!!! Congrats and what a cutie pie she is....sure slice of heaven! Just grinning for you-ear to ear. I love you and John....hopefully I'll get to meet you someday! Have fun while it lasts and enjoy every second! She'll be 6 and 4 like our 2 are turning next month!