Sunday, August 26, 2012

15 Weeks

Still haven't figured out the darn paragraph thing....ugh!! Just stick with me! I don't have a ton of stuff to update about, but we are officially at 15 weeks, meaning the end of the 1st Trimester, and a huge relief! Here is baby's first "belly picture"
It is kind of weird taking a picture specifically to look at my belly - especially since I have spent my entire picture taking life trying to hide any kind of belly pooch, but I am so excited for my little baby bump!!! Jon and I are so excited and a little overwhelmed trying to plan everything, but we still have some time so we are just trying to take things step by step. I have been feeling pretty great. Still needing to snack during the day, and working on drinking more water. I'm not super interested in sweets, and find myself more interested in sour things. Jon is still convinced the baby will have a sweet tooth like him, even though I'm not interested in sweets. That is about it! Bring on the 2nd Trimester!!!

1 comment:

Sherawn DeWitt said...

Love your cute baby bump!